In-Year Admissions

At this time we only have a Reception class, as our school grows this will open up more year groups and will allow the admission of children into different year groups. Please see our growth plan.

The following guidance is for families who want to move a child to a different school, at any time other than the usual admission to reception classes. This type of request is known as an ‘in-year transfer’.

Places cannot be saved for children moving to a catchment area.

We may not offer a school place if the school is oversubscribed. A school is oversubscribed if it receives more applications than the number of available school places.


If you are moving house

If you are moving to Norfolk you can apply for a change of schools. You can also apply if you are moving house within Norfolk and travelling to your child’s current school will become unreasonable. The application will be considered as near as possible to your house move.

We advise making an application before you move house, but only when you have confirmation of your move date. You must provide evidence to confirm you new address before a school place can be offered.

If you are not moving house

If you are not moving house but want to change your child’s school, we expect children to start at a new school at the start of a new term. You should not withdraw your child from their current school before an alternative school place is offered. Applications are processed by the Local Authority to the following timetable:

  • 5 July - 31 October, the new school start date is Spring term in January (after Christmas)
  • 1 November - 28/29 February, the new school start date is Summer term (after Easter)
  • 1 March - 31 May, the new school start date is Autumn term in September (after the summer holidays)

Decisions on applications made between the 1st March and 31st May will be sent out before the end of the Summer term.

Any applications received between the 1st June to 4th July will be treated as a late application. It will only be considered after all the application received before the 31st May.


How to apply

In Year admission are coordinated by the Local Authority on behalf of the Inspiration Trust. Please complete one application for each child:

You will receive an acknowledgement of the submitted application. All applications will be dealt with as quickly as possible and a decision will be made:

  • Within 15 school days if you are moving house
  • All other applications will be processed in line with the timetable under ‘if you are not moving house’

Within a school year, we will only consider one in-year application for your child. The school year begins in September. However, if your circumstances change significantly we may consider another application for your child, e.g. if a house move makes travel to your child’s current school unreasonable.


If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan:

You should not complete an ‘in-year transfer’ application. You should discuss a change of schools with your EHC plan co-ordinator.


If your child is on the SEN register at their current school:

If your child is on the Special Educational Needs (SEN) register at their current school, but does not have an EHC plan, you should apply online or complete a paper application form.


In-Year Transfer Appeal:

You have the right to appeal the decision if we do not offer your child a place at our school.

The appeal hearing is an opportunity for:

  • The Inspiration Trust (admission authority) to explain why your child was refused a place at the school
  • You to explain why you want your child to go to the school


Before you appeal:

You should read advice about school admission appeals for parents and guardians on GOV.UK.


Infant Class Size Appeals:

There is a legal limit for infant class sizes. Classes in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can have a maximum of 30 children per teacher.

Your right to appeal for a place is limited if you’re appealing for a place in an infant class that already has 30 children.


How to appeal:

Download the Admissions Appeal form or contact asking for a copy of the form.

You need to complete and return the appeal form to OR Inspiration Trust, 28 Bethel Street Norwich, NR2 1NR

Make sure you explain why you’re appealing for a place at the school and include any supporting information.


When the appeal hearing will take place:

Appeal hearings will be organised by the Local Authority on behalf of the Inspiration Trust. You will be invited to an appeal hearing within 30 school days of the date your completed appeal form is received. The hearing will be conducted by video call using Microsoft Teams, or by phone or using written submissions.

The Local Authority will inform you how and when your appeal will be heard at least 10 school days before the hearing takes place.


Further information

Norfolk County Council Admissions